

The project aimed to increase the potential of vocational education in Mazovia through the implementation of development programs in 60 schools and vocational training institutions, which were run by local government units.


The project was directed to 421 educational institutions employees that were dismissed, anticipated to be dismissed or threatened with dismissal for reasons related to the workplace after December 31, 2012. Also, the project participants had to reside in the Mazovian Voivodeship within the meaning of the Civil Code.


The Mazovian Information Society Network "M@zowszanie" (MSSI "M@zowszanie") serves the inhabitants of Mazovia as stationary and interactive places of access to e-services, education, culture and economic information. Created centres are meant to support local initiatives for e-integration and counteract digital exclusion.


The main goal of the project is to increase the skills and qualifications of 1,269 policemen and Police employees from the Mazovia region in the field of their professional activities by providing support until 30/09/2019.
The support include training and courses in the scope indicated in the analysis of the needs of local operating units.


The aim of the project is to introduce the best (most effective) practices to Polish institutions or entities responsible for creating or implementing public policies, by enabling familiarization with solutions used in other countries, and then implementing changes in your own practice.


The aim of the project was economic promotion of Mazovia region and its economic potential along with the strengthening of the Mazovia brand. Mazovia was presented as a region of modern economic solutions, in particular in the scope of innovative activity, and as a place attractive for business, i.e. continuously attracting foreign capital.


The project was implemented between 2008 and 2011. The aim of the project was to carry out tasks aimed at increasing interest in Mazovia's economic offer and creating a strong brand of Mazovia.


The project was addressed to Mazovia residents over the age of 25 who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing digital or language skills and competences, with particular emphasis on people 50+ and people living in rural areas. The project involved training in ICT and English.
“Mobile in Europe”


The aim of the project was to alleviate social exclusion processes through the individualized and comprehensive application of different types of activities to each of the project participants benefiting from social assistance in selected areas of Mazovia. The participants of the project were 500 people from families with many children excluded or at risk of social exclusion benefiting from social assistance.


Preparing officers and employees of the Police from Mazovia to perform their official duties more effectively by 31.01.2013.